Hurt feelings are no excuse for workplace retaliation. Employees who feel they have endured workplace retaliation can bring their concerns to a California employment law attorney. Together they can assess the office conditions the employee works in.

If it appears an employee suffered from a wrongful action on the part of a supervisor or peer, an attorney can help them take their case to court. California law allows employees to pursue compensation for the losses they endured at the hands of a vengeful employer.

Workplace Retaliation to Watch Out For

Employers can retaliate against their employees for several reasons. Employees who express an opinion that their supervisors do not like may find themselves on the receiving end of social isolation. Whistleblowers may equally find themselves facing borderline-abusive workplace treatment.

Because workplace retaliation can take on many forms, it can be difficult to identify. That said, all workplace retaliation compromises a business’s integrity. Employees who notice or find themselves the victims of any of the following can work with a California employment law attorney to fight for compensation based on their experience.

Verbal Abuse

Many employers are quick to reduce in-house verbal abuse as a joke. Just because an employer claims to be joking, however, does not mean that they are not engaging in dismissive or retaliatory behaviors.

For example, some supervisors may joke about firing or demoting an employee after he or she reports in-house abuse. Alternatively, some supervisors may threaten or intimidate someone who has reported inappropriate business conduct.

Intimidation, catcalling, and other forms of verbal abuse all constitute forms of retaliation when the victim has taken action against their employer.

Demotions Within the Workplace

Sometimes workplace retaliation is more direct. Someone who attempts to hold their employer to a higher standard may find their workload abruptly reduced. Alternatively, employees who were previously promoted or in line for a promotion may find that opportunity taken from them.

Do note that employees must prove that demotions or other forms of workplace mistreatment represent some form of retaliation for their complaints to move forward.

Retaliation after Quitting or Dismissal

Employers are not only prohibited from retaliating against an employee who is still employed, they also cannot retaliate against an employee who quits or is otherwise dismissed.

For example, an employer may not comment on a past employee’s allegedly poor conduct in interviews with other businesses. Similarly, a business may not attempt to sabotage an employee’s future endeavors. This will only open the business up to a civil suit.

Contact a Workplace Retaliation Lawyer Today

There are no circumstances in which workplace retaliation is legally acceptable. Anyone who feels they have been the victim of workplace retaliation should discuss their case in more detail with a lawyer. California’s workplace retaliation attorneys can help victims seek out compensation.

Blackstone Law has won over $200 million for clients in the past. To arrange a free case consultation, interested parties can call (310) 956-4054 or fill out our contact form.