Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have adopted remote work policies to keep their employees safe. While remote work offers many benefits, such as increased flexibility and reduced commuting time, it also comes with its own set of challenges. One of these challenges is the increased risk of sexual harassment for remote workers. If you have been a victim of virtual sexual harassment, you have legal options and may be able to recover compensation through an employment sexual harassment claim.

The leading employment lawyers at Blackstone Law can help guide you through the process of seeking justice and compensation for sexual harassment in the workplace. We protect your best interests from initial consultation to resolution.

5 Ways Remote Workers May Be At Risk for Sexual Harassment

The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) protects Californians from workplace sexual harassment, even in a remote work setting. The following are five ways remote workers may be at risk for sexual harassment:

1. Lack of Boundaries

When working remotely, it can be difficult to establish and maintain physical boundaries between work and personal life. For example, a remote worker may receive an inappropriate message or images from a colleague outside of work hours, making it difficult to reinforce professional boundaries.

2. Isolation or Lack of Support

Remote workers may feel isolated and lack the support network typically available to employees working in an office environment. This can make it difficult for remote workers to report instances of sexual harassment or seek help when they need it.

3. Technology-Enabled Sexual Harassment

Remote work often relies on technology to communicate with colleagues or perform job duties. Unfortunately, technology can be used to facilitate sexual harassment.

Examples of technology-enabled sexual harassment may include the following:

  • Inappropriate emails
  • Requests for sexual favors
  • Virtual sexual advances
  • Sending pornographic content or websites
  • Crude or indecent sexual remarks or jokes
  • Online stalking
  • Exploitation, coercion, or threats

If you are a victim of sexual harassment in a remote workplace, you have legal rights under state and federal laws. It is essential to report inappropriate conduct immediately to a supervisor or an HR department.

4. Lack of Oversight and Accountability

It can be difficult for managers and colleagues to observe and monitor employee behavior remotely. This lack of oversight and accountability can make it easier for harassers to engage in inappropriate behavior without repercussions.

5. Limited Training and Education

Many businesses provide sexual harassment training and education to employees, but remote workers may not have the same access to resources. This can make it difficult for remote workers to recognize and respond to sexual harassment.

Contact the Experienced Sexual Harassment Employment Lawyers at Blackstone Law

Sexual harassment, whether virtual or in the office, is professionally and personally damaging to victims. At Blackstone Law, we are well-versed in California harassment law and can help you pursue justice and compensation for the damages you have suffered. We have represented countless clients in employment cases, recovering over $200 million in settlements and verdicts.

Our priority is fighting on your behalf with exceptional, aggressive representation. Request a complimentary consultation with one of our award-winning employment lawyers by calling (310) 956-4054 or filling out our contact form today.