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Commission Dispute Attorney in Los Angeles 


n the United States, employees can be paid in many different ways. The most common forms of payment are hourly wages and fixed salaries; however, some employees are paid for their work on a commission basis. Suppose you are someone who works in an industry where commissions account for a significant portion of your financial compensation. In that case, you understand how important it is to get paid for your work.

It can be incredibly frustrating realizing that you have not been appropriately paid for the commission work that you have completed. In some instances, you may have the legal right to reclaim the commission you are legally owed. To determine if this is the case, you should consider speaking with a Los Angeles commission dispute lawyer from Blackstone Law. Our committed commission dispute attorneys have the legal knowledge required to help resolve your commission dispute.

What Is Classified as a Commission?

To fully comprehend what a commission dispute is, you first need to learn what exactly a commission is. According to California’s Labor Code Section 204.1, a commission is a form of compensation that is paid to any individual for services they have rendered for the sale of an employer’s property or services. The commission amount earned is based proportionally on the value of the property or service sold.

What Exactly Is a Commission Dispute?

Simply put, a commission dispute is any type of discrepancy between an employee and employer regarding the monetary compensation owed for work that an employee has completed on a commission basis. Often a commission dispute occurs when an employee is not paid financial bonuses and commissions earned from selling a service or product. 

Usually, commission disputes commonly arise when an employee is laid off, has resigned, or has had their employment agreement terminated. It’s important to note that even if an employee is fired, an employer is still required by law to pay the employee all monies owed for the work they completed, and this includes commissions.

The California Law on Commission Agreements

Since Los Angeles is a city in California, it abides by California’s commission agreement laws. Most commission agreements in California are required by law to be put in writing. The written commission agreement must explicitly specify how the commissions will be computed and how they will be paid to an employee.

Additionally, an employee earning commissions must be given a copy of their written commission agreement. An employee will also need to sign a receipt that proves their employer gave them a copy of their commission agreement. 

Moreover, when an employee enters into a commission agreement with their employer, they need to ensure the agreement specifies how a commission is earned and when it is earned. All earned commissions need to be paid according to the timeframe set by California law. For example, sales commissions earned must be paid to an employee a minimum of twice a month on the days designated by an employer.

Speak with a Los Angeles Commission Dispute Lawyer Today at Blackstone Law

If you have not been paid for the commissions you have earned according to your commission agreement with your employer, you could be able to file an unpaid commission claim. A Los Angeles commission dispute attorney can help guide you through the various legal proceedings you need to complete.

It is never a pleasant experience to be denied the money you are owed for work you have completed. If you are seriously considering hiring a Los Angeles commission dispute lawyer, you should not hesitate to contact Blackstone Law. Our award-winning California law firm prides itself on finding or creating creative legal solutions to help you obtain the commissions and other monetary compensation you are owed. If you would like to speak with a commissions dispute attorney about your unpaid commissions, you can contact us here or call (310) 956-4054.

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