Team meeting in an officeRacism has no place in the workplace, yet unfortunately, it persists in many workplaces across California and the nation. Racism can take many forms, from verbal harassment and discrimination to subtle biases and microaggressions. Regardless of the form it may take, racism in the workplace can have lasting consequences on the victim’s mental health, job satisfaction, and career prospects. If you have faced racism in the workplace, it is essential to understand what steps you can take to protect your rights and hold your employer responsible.

The leading employment lawyers at Blackstone Law know that racial discrimination can occur at any time in the workplace, such as during the hiring process, throughout your employment, or when setting your wages. We fight to hold employers accountable and pursue the compensation you deserve. 

What Is Workplace Racial Discrimination? 

Racial discrimination refers to an unjust or unfair treatment in the workplace of a person or group based on their race, color, ethnicity, or national origin. This can take many forms, such as: 

  • Verbal abuse
  • Exclusion
  • Harassment
  • Unequal pay or promotion opportunities
  • Denial of employment
  • Unjust reasons for termination 

In California, you have legal protections from discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, and national origin under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Protections cover a full range of employment decisions, including recruitment, promotion selections, terminations, and other decisions concerning terms and conditions of employment. 

5 Steps to Take After Facing Racism in the Workplace 

The following are important steps you can take to protect your rights and hold your employer accountable for racism in the workplace: 

Document the Incident

The first step in addressing racism in the workplace is to document the incidents with as much detail as possible. Write down the date, time, location, and what was said or done. If there were witnesses present, ask them to provide a statement. This information will be invaluable if you decide to pursue legal action.

Report the Incident to Human Resources (HR)

Once you have documented the incident, review your employee handbook and report the incident to HR. HR will investigate the matter and take appropriate action to address the issue. If your company does not have an HR department, report the incident to your supervisor or manager. 

File a Claim With the Civil Rights Department (CRD)

If the HR department fails to remedy the situation or you feel their response was inadequate, file a complaint with the Civil Rights Department. They will investigate your case and seek legal action against your employer if necessary. 

Seek Legal Counsel

If the CRD does not address your complaint, consult an experienced employment lawyer to understand your legal options. They can help you negotiate a settlement with your employer or file a lawsuit on your behalf if necessary. 

Take Care of Your Mental Well-Being

Finally, it is essential to take care of your mental health and emotional well-being after experiencing racism in the workplace. Seek support from friends and family or consider professional counseling or therapy. 

Racism in the workplace is a serious issue that cannot be ignored. If you have faced racism in the workplace, let the leading employment lawyers at Blackstone Law protect your legal rights and pursue the justice you deserve. 

Contact the California Racial Discrimination Lawyers at Blackstone Law 

Racial discrimination in the workplace is a particularly insidious form of discrimination, as it can affect a person’s livelihood, career prospects, and overall well-being. At Blackstone Law, we are well-versed in California employment law and aggressively advocate for you every step of the way. 

Set up a free consultation today with one of our racial discrimination lawyers by calling (310) 956-4054 or filling out a contact form.